Chainsaw Dance is a captivating rhythm game that draws inspiration from the popular manga series, Chainsaw Man. The game immerses players in an arcade scene from the hit comedy-horror manga, Chainsaw Man. Developed by Benedique, this 2D pixelated indie game offers rhythm game mechanics reminiscent of Dance Dance Revolution.
In Chainsaw Dance, players find themselves on a date with the Chainsaw Man, a character known for dismembering everything. The challenge lies in surviving this date by matching as many of the notes coming from the bottom of the screen as possible, scoring points, and setting new high scores.
The game features cool pixelated visuals that hark back to arcade classics. It offers several groovy tracks to 'vance’ your heart out to, with both difficult and easy modes available. The keys are customizable in the game settings, allowing players to choose controls that are comfortable for them.
Chainsaw Dance is a free game that can be played on a web browser. It was released in January 2021 and has since gained a large following of players who enjoy its unique blend of rhythm gameplay and manga-inspired storytelling. Whether you’re a fan of the Chainsaw Man manga or just love rhythm games, Chainsaw Dance offers a fun and challenging experience.
Controls : D F J K.