“Duck Life: Adventure” is an engaging and fun-filled game that is the latest installment in the popular Duck Life series. Released on June 22nd, 2020, this game offers a unique blend of racing and battling, with 16 different training mini-games to level up your duck in 8 skills.
In the game, players get to design their own duck, customizing its color, hair, eyes, and even its name. Once the design is complete, the duck embarks on an epic adventure across an expansive overworld, which is the biggest in any Duck Life game yet.
The game starts with your duck being inspired by a champion named Marco, who appears on TV. Ignoring its mother’s wishes for it to become a “duck-tor”, your duck decides to follow its dreams and become an adventurer like Marco. With a bag on a stick, your duck runs away from home to start its adventure.
The adventure begins at Quack Street, the first location in Duck Life Adventure. As the game progresses, your duck takes part in races and battles against other ducks, completes quests, and discovers new areas to explore. The ultimate goal is to train your duck to become the fastest in races and the strongest in battles, eventually becoming the ultimate duck champion.
“Duck Life: Adventure” offers a rich gaming experience with its diverse training games, equipment upgrades, and quests. It’s not just about winning; it’s about embarking on an adventure and becoming the best duck you can be.
Move = WASD Keys.
Interact/Move = Left Click.