“Regular Show: Winging It” is an engaging and adventurous game based on the popular animated series, Regular Show. The game revolves around the main characters, Mordecai and Rigby, who embark on a mission to save baby ducks from the evil duck collector.
In the game, Mordecai and Rigby ride on Mama Duck’s back, gliding from car to car in an attempt to catch the evil duck collector before time runs out. Players need to tap anywhere on the screen to keep flying, but they must be careful not to hit other birds in the air. If they do, all their energy will drop, and they will fall. Players can see their energy level on the energy meter located on the right corner of the screen.
The game features two different modes. In Story Mode, players follow the main mission to get the baby ducks back from the evil Duck Collector by flying from car to car on the Mother Duck. Free Mode, on the other hand, challenges players to fly as far as possible without crashing.
Throughout the game, players can collect duck food seen in the air to regain their strength. Occasionally, they will find rockets that they can collect to fly faster and reach the duck collector more quickly. If players fall, they will continue from the moment where they left. However, if the time ends before they get to the evil duck collector, they lose the game and need to restart it all over again.
“Regular Show: Winging It” is a game of adventure and quick reflexes, offering players a fun and exciting gaming experience. It’s a must-play for all fans of the Regular Show and those who enjoy action-packed games.
Fly / Land = Left Click