The Deepest Sleep, the final installment of the Deep Sleep Trilogy, is a point-and-click horror adventure game that takes you on a surreal journey through a nightmare realm. Despite being considered the weakest of the trilogy, it still comes highly recommended and has received an 8 out of 10 rating.
The game is based on point-and-click puzzles that are intriguing and enthralling. The puzzles are of fair difficulty and it doesn't take long for players to figure out how to move forward. The game also includes a timed, multi-room puzzle in growing darkness where players have to remember the correct sequence they used to get through to get back out once they find the item they need.
The Deepest Sleep stands out for its superb use of lighting and sound, creating a dark, creepy atmosphere that keeps players on the edge of their seats. The game features retro-style graphics that contribute to the overall eerie feel of the game.
The Deepest Sleep takes place at the very bottom of the realm of dreams, a place devoid of shadow people who are too afraid of what else lurks at the final depth. The game introduces The Bottom Feeders, giant worms who can't see but can feel and hear you, adding another layer of terror to the game.
On its own, The Deepest Sleep is a great example of a horror game that knows how to keep you on the edge of your seat, and exactly when to make you spring right off it. Despite leaving some questions unanswered, the game is still highly recommended for those who enjoy a good scare.
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