

Played 10892 times.
5.0 (6 Reviews)
Wrassling is an engaging arcade web game that was created by Colin Lane Games. The game’s objective is to throw your opponents out of the ring, pitting you against multiple fighters simultaneously. You can swing your arms to bodyslam foes and toss them over the ropes, adding a layer of strategy and skill to the gameplay.

The game is decidedly retro in its presentation, with blocky pugilists tumbling into the ring. It’s up to you to toss them out as efficiently as possible, which often results in chaotic and hilarious outcomes. The physics engine adds another layer of challenge, with fighters bobbing and wobbling around the screen, springing into the air and then flopping back down.

Despite its silliness, Wrassling is incredibly compelling. Its arm-swinging version of wrestling will make you tap that retry button over and over again. Sometimes, you’ll accidentally pull off a recognizable wrestling move, ending up in a five-deep pile in the middle of the ring swinging your arms madly in order to try and hurl everyone off.

But for all the madness, there’s a solid game underneath. It takes a little getting used to, but it is possible to figure out ways to win. They might not work all the time, but you can get some semblance of control if you pay attention. The game also includes challenges and a collection of unlockable hats, adding to its replayability.

In summary, Wrassling is a tribute to the strength of simplicity and the pure delight of play. It perfectly encapsulates the core components of great gaming: difficulty, unpredictability, and, most importantly, enjoyment. It’s bonkers in the very best way, and it’s almost impossible to play without a smile on your face. This brilliantly ridiculous arcade blast gets deeper the more you play it.

Player 1 Controls:
Move = A & D Keys.
Jump = W.
Wrestle = C & V.
Player 2 Controls:
Move = Left & Right Arrow Keys.
Jump = Up Arrow Key.
Wrestle = O & P.

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