Batman: The Cobblebot Caper is an action-packed and exciting flash game that takes players on an adventure as the Dark Knight himself, Batman. The game features a gameplay where players control Batman and must navigate through the streets of Gotham, fighting crime and taking on infamous villains such as the Penguin and Catwoman. The game's objective is to stop the Penguin's plan to take over Gotham and protect the city from the criminal element. Players can use Batman's gadgets, such as batarangs and the bat-grapple, to fight enemies and solve puzzles. With its challenging gameplay, iconic characters and settings from the Batman universe and its fast-paced action, Batman: The Cobblebot Caper is a must-play for fans of the Dark Knight and action games alike. Play now and become the ultimate defender of Gotham City!
Throw batarang using A key.
Punch using S key.
Kick using D key.
Jump and glide with Space.
Move with Arrow Keys