Dragon Ball Z: Team Training is a unique fan game that combines the gameplay of Pokémon with the characters and superpowers of Dragon Ball Z. This game is based on Pokémon FireRed, but all the fighters have been replaced by characters from Dragon Ball Z, offering a fresh and exciting experience for both Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z fans.
In this game, players will be able to meet more than 200 characters from the Dragon Ball Z animated series and participate in fights with their favorite heroes. The attacks and animations of these characters have been faithfully reproduced, providing an authentic Dragon Ball Z experience.
The game also introduces new combat environments and features DBZ music that will accompany players throughout their adventure. New items have been added to enhance gameplay, and the game also features a character fusion system, adding another layer of strategy to battles.
Dragon Ball Z: Team Training is not just a game, but a journey filled with action, strategy, and nostalgia. Whether you’re a fan of Pokémon, Dragon Ball Z, or both, this game is sure to provide hours of entertainment. Discover the secrets and become the ultimate fighter in Dragon Ball Z: Team Training!
Movement = Arrow Keys
Start = Enter
B = Z
A = X