The Granny Series continues with a chilling new chapter: Granny 3: Return to the School. In this thrilling installment, you find yourself trapped in an abandoned school, relentlessly pursued by Granny and the sinister Slendrina. Your survival hinges on locating the ammunition-filled pistol and uncovering the keys to unlock the desolate classrooms.
As you venture into the eerie corridors, you'll stumble upon a solitary desk marked "Granny," a haunting reminder of the terror that lurks within these walls. Your mission is clear: gather essential items, unlock the classroom doors, and evade the clutches of your relentless pursuers.
Can you outwit Granny and Slendrina, or will you become another victim lost in the shadows of this forsaken school? Prepare for a heart-pounding escape in Granny 3: Return to the School!
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